Extra Care

Extra Services:
It's not just our
obstetric care.

Extra Services 5853660

We go for the overall picture

Do you need extra support? This may concern medical care or deepening in terms of mind & soul.

As midwives, we do a lot regarding birth care, but not everything. That is precisely why we have gathered a team of healthcare professionals we know are the best. When you have purchased a care package, you can spend the vouchers on the services of our super team. Of course, our team is just as ready for you if you don't have a care package.

Extra Services 7485057

Check our extra services
and care partners


Acupuncture has a healing and powerful supportive effect, especially during pregnancy. Our acupuncturist specializes in treating complaints during and after pregnancy. She helps you with, among other things, nausea, extreme fatigue, tension, and stress. You can also be treated if you have a breech presentation or are overdue. Stinging needles scary? You hardly feel this at all.

José 9 U5 A0848

Rotterdam Centrum + Rotterdam Crooswijk


Osteopathy is a manual healing method, meaning your body is examined and treated by working with the hands. Our osteopaths can treat both your complaints and those of your baby. Think of pain in the lower back, tailbone, pelvis, or lower abdomen. You can go with your baby for complaints such as excessive crying, reflux, or a preferred position. By looking at the entire body (bones, muscles, organs), the cause of the complaint is sought and treated to the core.

ELLE image missing

Rotterdam Center

ELLE image missing

Rotterdam Crooswijk

Pelvic physiotherapy

Many women experience pelvic (floor) complaints during pregnancy and after giving birth. No surprise because the balance that your body has had steady for years is suddenly pulled out of plumb. We can't make it more beautiful: the complaints often do not get milder as your pregnancy progresses. Therefore, we recommend a low-threshold consultation with our pelvic specialist for starting pelvic (floor) complaints. Think of low back pain, pain in your tailbone, groin, or around the pubic bone, and incontinence complaints. She looks at your posture and pelvis. She makes a personal plan for the pregnancy and/or period after giving birth. An investment in yourself!

Karin 9 U5 A1004

Rotterdam Center

ELLE image missing

Rotterdam Crooswijk

ELLE Midwives Linda Vrolijk

Barendrecht + Rhoon

Birth coaching

Sometimes you need a little more support during your pregnancy due to the sudden changes in your life. For example, when you have more than healthy tension/anxiety for giving birth. Even after a traumatic birth or loss, our birth coach can help you tremendously. Every woman is unique and has her own story that is really heard by our birth coach. Together you look at where your pain is and make a plan.

Eva EURL3899

Rotterdam Center + Rotterdam Crooswijk


We know the best course if you want to prepare for pregnancy through hypnobirthing. After this course, we have already seen many ladies entirely in control during childbirth. Absolutely beautiful! During one or more sessions with your partner, you learn to find deep relaxation, breathing techniques and understand more about the process so that you can let go. Do you still get it?

Stephanie SOPH7434

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk + Barendrecht

Pregnancy massage

During pregnancy, your body and state of mind change. Often there is unconscious tension in your body. When you choose a pregnancy massage, you step out of the hustle and bustle of the day. Attention is paid to pain points in the back and pelvis. You don't have to do anything at all except relax. You can choose a massage in the side or prone positions, for which we use special pillows. On top of it, your skin is pampered with beautiful Kenkô products.

Britt SOPH7451

Rotterdam Center

9 U5 A9881web

Rotterdam Crooswijk

Pregnancy yoga

Our master yogis have specialized in everything related to (quiet) movement, pregnancy, and baby. Exercise is essential, especially during your pregnancy. Even if this is your first time doing a yoga step, you can register for this. During the mild exercises, you reflect on your pregnancy and baby and receive practical information about the pregnancy, childbirth, and the period after. Nothing floaty: down to earth. You can register from 14 weeks of pregnancy. The advice is to take classes for at least 3 months to have all the modules.

Esther EURL3601

Rotterdam Center

Maggie zwangerschapsyoga

Rotterdam Crooswijk

Pregnancy yoga online

If you don't feel like going out with your yoga mat every week but want to do pregnancy yoga, an online course is made for you. You choose your own moment; canceling on an off-day is not necessary. You will be taken through various modules and receive practical information about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. There are multiple modules, including partner sessions and workbooks. You will receive a monthly coach call.

Marissa EURL3750

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk en Barendrecht

Pregnancy & nutrition

Advice on healthy nutrition during pregnancy can be found everywhere, but which one is right for you? You can contact us for, for example, guidance on a nutritious diet, nausea, gestational diabetes, constipation, but also candida, vitamin deficiencies, and a vegetarian or vegan diet. Our dietitians can help you with optimal recovery and a healthy weight even after pregnancy.

ELLE Priscilla Tasche 9 U5 A8783

Rotterdam Center + Rotterdam Crooswijk

Pregnant & sports

We cannot emphasize how good exercise during pregnancy is for the body, mind, and baby. Even if you were not necessarily active before pregnancy, now is a good time to start. It is essential that the physical activity/sport matches the pregnancy and takes into account the changes in your body. At ELLE, we are fans of different concepts: indoor, outdoor, and heat cabins! You get a total package: personal guidance, group lessons, and nutritional advice. You can also go after birth to get fit again, with pelvic complaints or a diastasis.

ELLE Bibi Box 9 U5 A4252web

Rotterdam Center

Rosa 9 U5 A0966

Rotterdam Crooswijk

Partner / Father course

As midwives, we cannot escape the vast majority of our attention is focused on the mom (to-be) and baby. Not fair, of course, because a baby is an equally big event for the other parents-to-be! Therefore, the online course we're a fan of is wholly aimed at the dad-to-be, made by fathers and a male midwife! The course prepares you as a father for pregnancy, birth, and maternity. Without fuss! Are you interested? Let us know, and we will send you a promo code.

Bert vadercursus

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk + Barendrecht

Lactation consultant

Every ELLE pregnant woman receives general information about bottle- and breastfeeding from us. You should consult our lactation consultant to discuss this during your pregnancy. During a consultation, she will tell you the dos and don'ts and give you practical tools to prepare you well. You can also contact her if breastfeeding is not going smoothly after giving birth.

Jessie lactatiekundige

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk + Barendrecht

Babywearing consultation

What could be better than moving freely with your baby close to you? Your baby feels safe because of your warmth, smell, and heartbeat, and you are back in business. There are many ways to carry your baby. What suits you best? How do you carry your baby safely, and is it also ok for your back? During an appointment with our sling consultant, you can try different wraps and carriers (from woven cloth to Artipoppe) and then be carrier-proof.

Milou EURL3742

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk + Barendrecht

Maternity photography

Our professional photographer and filmmaker capture your pregnancy in a pure and no-nonsense way. With or without a partner and/or children, whatever you like. For authentic photos, you must be in an environment where you feel relaxed, such as at home. Of course, every location is negotiable, and you will be portrayed at your best.

Julia EURL3973

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk + Barendrecht

Baby massage and baby yoga

In the first weeks after giving birth, a trip with your newborn can be challenging, let alone following a course with attention. With this online course, our yoga expert offers you the opportunity to bond with your baby from the comfort of your home. You learn how your baby moves and communicates. Together you explore what he/she likes. By taking time for this, you step out of the hustle and bustle of feeding, sleeping, and caring: 100% quality time. In addition to massage techniques, you will also receive exercises for baby yoga. Your baby is then relaxed, and it promotes digestion, which reduces abdominal cramps and crying. Happy babies, happy parents.

Marissa EURL3750

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk + Barendrecht

Baby spa

Your baby can receive treatment at Puur Babyspa from 2 weeks after birth. With hydrotherapy (floating), he/she is entirely free of gravity, which stimulates mental and physical development. And most importantly: your child can kick and relax in the warm water. Subsequently, your child can receive a Shantala massage for ultimate baby relaxation.

Rachel 9 U5 A1071

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk + Barendrecht

Postpartum treatments

Our postpartum doula will come to your home during your maternity week to take care of you. You can choose from treatments such as a postpartum massage, steam bath, bengkung belly binding, and empowering maternity meals. We think postpartum treatment is a must for every new mom!

Shiva EURL4049

Rotterdam Center, Rotterdam Crooswijk + Barendrecht

We arrange all your care, whatever you need.