Ziekenhuis bevalling

We advise you to give birth in a hospital if there is a medical reason (a 'medical indication'). This means that the hospital's healthcare providers provide all guidance and assistance.
Sometimes you will be advised to give birth in a hospital. Still, your delivery can be supervised by someone other than the hospital's healthcare providers. This may be due to the use of certain medicines or the course of your previous delivery, which may put you at a higher risk of complications. In that case, you do not have a medical indication but an indication of the location. We will then supervise your delivery in the hospital. If complications arise during childbirth, we will transfer the care to the care providers of the hospital.
Characteristics of hospital delivery:
- The guidance in the hospital can have a more medical approach than at home. Sometimes this is necessary for your or your baby's health, but that is not always the case. If you are not comfortable with this, talk to your healthcare providers.
- Your condition and that of your baby may be monitored more intensively in the hospital than at home.
- This is because other devices are used for this.
- Pain relief with medication is possible in the hospital.
- Often you have not yet met all the care providers who support you in the hospital during your delivery.
- You can bring a birth plan to ensure that they quickly and easily become aware of your wishes and the important things.
- Sometimes a homely atmosphere is missing in a hospital room. If you still need this, put some things in your luggage that make you feel comfortable, such as a nice pillow or a cozy lamp.

Do you want to know more about giving birth in the hospital?