Every parent will have moments when the pink cloud is not so pink. Because of the broken nights, you are often tired, you can be irritable more quickly, and it seems you have nothing to do. This is normal. It takes time to switch gears. Especially if you have had your first child.
Your sense of freedom has changed because you have been given a care task 24 hours daily. The tasks at home are usually different now. In addition, you are still getting pregnant and can still suffer from hormones for quite some time. Parents need to keep talking to each other to get through this time well. Take 'off' occasionally by asking a babysitter and ensure you bring regularity into your day. Get up on time, eat healthy regularly, and go to bed on time.
Physical recovery after childbirth
De-pregnancy takes time. Your body may feel different after giving birth, especially in the pelvic area. Pelvic complaints can sometimes persist after birth, and it takes time to rebuild your condition. Due to the pressure that pregnancy and childbirth place on the pelvic floor muscles, they can still feel different for some time after giving birth: it often feels a bit swollen, and it can be more challenging to hold in your urine and wind. Fortunately, these complaints usually disappear after some time. Pelvic floor exercises can help with this. For more information and practices, visit pelvic floor online.
Sexuality after childbirth
You can get pregnant again two weeks after giving birth. Sometimes even if you are breastfeeding. So think about contraception. For more information, visit contraceptie.nl. Also, read more on our website about prescribing and placing contraception. As long as you are still losing blood, you are not allowed to have sex because of the risk of infection.
Use a lubricant the first time. The vagina may feel drier than you are used to. Especially in the early period and even longer if you are breastfeeding. Having sex after childbirth is often quite scary and sometimes painful. Wait until the stitches have entirely healed. If sex is and remains painful, please contact your doctor or us. If you are breastfeeding, the breasts may leak during sex. The desire for sex is often less the first time after childbirth. This is a common phenomenon.
Postnatal depression
Sometimes you can experience depressive symptoms after giving birth. If you notice that you can't figure it out yourself, don't wait too long to go to the doctor.

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