Many parents choose to breastfeed their babies. Breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn't always come naturally. It deserves time, attention, and rest to make breastfeeding a success, but it is an investment that is more than worth it.
Together with the maternity nurse, we will do everything we can to guide you as well as possible. If you have problems with breastfeeding, we work closely with IBCLC-registered lactation consultants. They can optimally guide you with questions, making choices, and/or breastfeeding issues.
Breastfeeding is more than just feeding. Breastfeeding contributes to the unique relationship between mother and child. It cannot be matched in any way in terms of quality; it lays the foundation for a healthy future for the baby. Breast milk contains all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Better yet, it protects against infections and diseases.
Several living substances in breast milk have an essential function:
- Antibodies protect the baby against bacterial and viral infections;
- Lactoferrin prevents pathogens from multiplying and increases the absorption of iron in breast milk;
- Taurine promotes brain development, and omega-3 fatty acids contribute to higher intelligence;
- Lactobacillus Bifidus protects the intestines from pathogens that cause infections;
- Breast milk is hypoallergenic and is optimally absorbed; it protects against allergies;
- Breast milk has an optimal composition because it changes with the baby's growth.
- Research shows that breastfed babies are five times less likely to be hospitalized for an infection.
Mother's milk reduces the risk of diseases such as Allergic diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cot death, Multiple Sclerosis, being overweight in later life, and a specific form of leukemia.
Breast milk is easily digestible, and babies do not suffer from hard stools and diarrhea.
Mother benefits
The mother also benefits from breastfeeding. Breastfeeding allows the uterus to contract properly, which reduces the risk of excessive bleeding after childbirth. Breastfeeding women have a lower risk of ovarian cancer, osteoporosis in old age, and breast cancer after menopause.
Ovulation may be absent for many months if you breastfeed on demand. This gives the body plenty of opportunity to recover from the pregnancy. However, you can get pregnant if you are breastfeeding.
Are there any downsides to breastfeeding?
Basically not. There is talk of negative feelings and experiences, such as the obligation to always be busy with the food, whether at the breast or with pumping. Some women believe that breastfeeding takes a lot of time and energy. Women sometimes need clarification about how much milk they produce and whether it is enough for the baby. Sometimes the start of breastfeeding can be difficult.

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