Care transfer
At the end of the maternity week, the midwife will hand over your baby's medical care to the general practitioner. The transfer with the child health clinic ('consultatiebureau') or the Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin (CJG) also occurs. From that moment on, the CJG is your first point of contact when it comes to the development and upbringing of your child. Usually, the district nurse will make a home visit before that time to get acquainted and give you information about the consultation office. You will receive a growth booklet you can take every time you visit the consultation office. You don't have to do anything about this. Suppose your child is born and the birth has been registered with the municipality. In that case, the child health center will automatically contact you. An employee of the consultation office will visit you at home for the first time around the 2nd or 3rd week after giving birth by appointment.
Newborn hearing screening
During this period, your baby's hearing will also be tested. You will receive an invitation during the maternity week. The newborn hearing screening takes place at the consultation office.
You can also ask questions about breast and bottle feeding or weighing your baby.

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