First trimester
Every pregnant woman will have a blood test (pregnancy screening) at least twice. The first time is around 10-12 weeks and approximately 30 weeks gestation.
From the 10th week of pregnancy, blood tests may be performed. We recommend having this done before the 12th week of pregnancy. We look at diseases that can affect your health and your baby.
The following tests are performed in the laboratory:
- Iron level (Hb and MCV)
- Sugar level (glucose)
- Blood type and Rhesus D and Rhesus C factor
- Any foreign antibodies in your body (irregular antibodies)
- Sexual diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis B, and HIV
- Vitamin D
If you perform the combination test or the NIPT, you can have this blood test as simultaneously as the general blood test.
Please note: blood tests for the NIPT may only be taken from 11 weeks and can only be determined at Star-MDC blood tests specially designated for this purpose.
Third trimester
The second blood test takes place at about thirty weeks, and we determine the iron level again. This blood test takes place at our practice during regular consultation hours. If you are negative for Rhesus D or Rhesus C, you must also have a blood test at 27 weeks.
Sometimes it may be necessary to have blood drawn more often. You will then hear this from us.

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